- 500 g of well-dried cow ricotta
- 300 g of Organic Arifa Flour - Ruggeri shop
- 1 egg
- 1 tablespoon grated Parmesan cheese
- 1 teaspoon fine salt
Pour the ricotta into a bowl and mix it with a fork to soften it. Add the egg, parmesan, salt and start mixing.
When the mixture is smooth, start incorporating the flour a little at a time. When the dough becomes more solid, start kneading with your hands on the work surface until you have used all the flour.
Form a round loaf and let it rest for 10 minutes. Cut pieces of dough and form the gnocchi (it is better to ridge them so they will take more ragù)
Arrange them on a tray with semolina flour to prevent them from sticking. Cook them in boiling salted water and when they come to the surface you can drain them.
I dressed them with a good sauceof organic datterini tomato puree - Basil breasts
and freshly ground chili pepper.
Enjoy your meal!