Here is the perfect recipe to make a super fragrant ciabatta bread, ideal to accompany any dish. Follow the steps of Ketty from @kettycucinooggi , guaranteed results!
For the Ciabatta bread:
- Wholemeal flour 250 g
- Flour Type 1 300W 250 g
- Migliora® Ruggeri Bread 1 scoop
- Licoli 90 g
- Water 370 g
- Salt 10 g
- EVO oil 20 g
For the filling:
- Salad tomato 1
- Fresh provola cheese to taste
- Fresh basil to taste
- Dried oregano to taste
- EVO oil to taste
Place some semolina on the pastry board, pour in the dough and cut the loaves (Ketty's recipe calls for 5).
Cover with a cloth and let it rest for an hour.
Preheat the air fryer on pizza mode at 200°C for 5 minutes.
Bake the ciabatta and let them cook for 20 minutes. The last 5 minutes, turn the rolls and cook.
Once ready, leave to cool on a rack.
Suggested presentation:
Bread can be used as an accompaniment to meals.
Or, it can be used as it is used in Sicily, as “pane cunzato” with provola, tomatoes, oregano and lots of extra virgin olive oil.