Rye Flour
Special flour
- High in fiber
- Characteristic aroma and a rustic taste


400 g
Rye is a herbaceous plant native to Asia Minor, belonging to the Poaceae family.
Characterised by a typical dark brown shade, rye flour is rich in soluble fiber, bringing multiple benefits to the well-being of the organism.
This flour also contains excellent percentages of potassium, phosphorus, iron and vitamins of groups B and E.
Ruggeri rye flour is high in fiber.
Rye flour, with a slightly acidic flavor and a denser consistency than wheat flour, gives baked goods a characteristic aroma and a rustic taste. Thanks to its elasticity, it is ideal for preparing bread, biscuits, crackers and fresh pasta. It can be used in combination with other flours.
Ingredients:flour ofrye.
May contain milk, eggs, soy, lupins, sesame seeds, mustard.
Energia | Energy 1307 kJ | 309 kcal |
Grassi | Fat 1.3 g |
Di cui acidi grassi saturi | Saturated fatty acids 0.2 g |
Carboidrati | Carbohydrates 62 g |
Di cui zuccheri | Added sugar 6.7 g |
Fibre | Fibre 8.0 g |
Proteine | Protein 8.3 g |
Sale | Salt 0.30 g |
We ensure our commitment to keep all legal information updated on this site regarding ingredients, allergens, instructions for use, recipes, etc., but it may happen that there is a temporary misalignment with the information reported on the packaging.
The information on the actual product label should always be considered up-to-date and truthful and we invite you to carefully check what is reported before using and consuming the product.
We are at your complete disposal for any information, especially for consumers with allergies and intolerances, at the number +390498862160 or at the e-mail address assistenza@ruggerishop.it .

High fibre


Chemical additives free
indispensabile per la preparazione del pane
Consigliata sia mixata sia per pane di segale!
inserisco sempre un 20% di farina di segale Ruggeri nei miei impasti ed il risultato è sempre ottimo. Il pane come facevano un tempo
Con l'aggiunta di semi di cumino ed una forma a ciambella, sembra di essere in Alto Adige con il loro famoso pane di segale
Sono molti anni che acquisto le farine Ruggeri e nell'ultimo ordine ho provato la farina di Segale per fare il pane. Con una quantità del 20% del totale della farina il risultato è davvero soddisfacente. Profumo e sapore al top. consigliato!