Homemade pizzas are a joy for everyone, adults and children! One leads to another, a bit like cherries! And the recipe of "Tortellini & Co" is perfect for preparing at home healthy and wholesome spelt pizzas cooked in the oven , simply stuffed with tomato sauce. Ruggeri Spelt Flour is the main ingredient, a versatile flour and ideal for all your sweet or savory recipes.
Ingredients for the dough
- Ruggeri spelt flour, 200 g
- Classic Philadelphia, 180 g
- organic sourdough starter in pack, 1 g
- 2 or 3 tablespoons of olive oil
- triple tomato concentrate
- water and oil
- mozzarella to taste

Procedure for spelt pizzas
Mix flour and yeast, add cheese and oil. Knead the ingredients until you get a well-mixed, soft and slightly sticky mixture. Leave to rest for a couple of minutes, out of the fridge, before rolling out the dough very thinly using a rolling pin. Roll out the pastry very thinly, about 3mm, and cut out about 60 pizzas using a round cookie cutter.
Meanwhile, in a cup mix 30 g of concentrate with water and oil to obtain a soft but not watery cream. Concentrate is often already tasty, so consider adding salt based on your personal taste.
Place the pizzas on a baking sheet covered with parchment paper. Using a teaspoon, spread the sauce over the pizza and season with oregano or dried thyme.