Stone Ground Type 1 Wheat Flour
Special Flour
- Source of protein
- Source of fiber


500 g
Wheat is the most important cereal in human nutrition, thanks to its wide use in bread making, pastry making and fresh pasta. In this particular traditional processing, obtained by stone grinding, the flour is characterised by an irregular grain size, from a high presence of bran and from the preservation of the germ.
Perfect for preparing bread, pizza, focaccia, fresh pasta and desserts.
Ruggeri stone-ground type 1 wheat flour is ideal for preparing any sweet or savory recipe: bread, pizza, focaccia, fresh pasta, cakes and biscuits.
Here is a suggested recipe for preparing homemade pizza.
Ingredients: 500 g of stone-ground type 1 flour - 330 ml of water - 50 g of Ruggeri Dried Sourdough - 10 g of salt - 2 tablespoons of olive oil
Procedure: mix all the ingredients until you get a smooth and homogeneous dough. Let the dough rest at room temperature for about 70 minutes, covered with a cloth. Spread the dough on a previously oiled baking sheet, fill with tomato pulp and let rise for another 30 minutes. Bake at 190°C for about 15 minutes, remove the pizza from the oven, complete filling with the other ingredients, put in the oven and finish cooking.
Ingredients: stone-ground type "1" wheat flour.
May contain milk, eggs, soy, sesame seeds, lupins, mustard.
Energia | Energy 1421 kJ | 335 kcal |
Grassi | Fat 1.4 g |
Di cui acidi grassi saturi | Saturated fatty acids 0.3 g |
Carboidrati | Carbohydrates 66 g |
Di cui zuccheri | Added sugar 0.3 g |
Fibre | Fibre 5.4 g |
Proteine | Protein 12 g |
Sale | Salt 0.10 g |
We ensure our commitment to keep all legal information updated on this site regarding ingredients, allergens, instructions for use, recipes, etc., but it may happen that there is a temporary misalignment with the information reported on the packaging.
The information on the actual product label should always be considered up-to-date and truthful and we invite you to carefully check what is reported before using and consuming the product.
We are at your complete disposal for any information, especially for consumers with allergies and intolerances, at the number +390498862160 or at the e-mail address assistenza@ruggerishop.it .

High fibre

Source of protein

Una volta provato, non si può più farne a meno!!
Usato soprattutto per la pizza, ottima!!!
Ottimo prodotto. Usato per il pane.
Da diverso tempo ormai ordino periodicamente questa farina, per me è la più adatta per ottenere un pane gustoso, profumato di grano con una bella crosta ed una'ottima alveolatura. L'ho utilizzata anche per focacce e pizze in mix con altre farine, conferisce quella nota granosa alle preparazioni che io apprezzo moltissimo
Farina di buona qualità, anche se nella foto sul vostro sito dice proteine 14,6 mentre nelle confezioni arrivate c'è scritto 12.
Ottimo come sempre